Monday, July 22, 2024


The Chairman Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Adamawa State Chapter, Rev. Dr. Joel Danjuma Manzo, has cautioned Christian faithful especially the youth to follow guidelines guiding peaceful protest so as not to incur the wrath of the law.

Rev. Dr. Manzo, who doubles as President of the Kingdom People of Gongola Baptist Conference gave the word of caution while addressing Guyuk community on the face of looming nationwide planned protest.

According to him, one cannot deny the fact that the entire nation is now being faced with untold hardship due to some policies.

"Nigeria has often been on the news as a country  bedevilled by so many challenges such as insecurity and corruption among others which brought many setback in almost if not all our northern communities.

"One may not be completely wrong to mention that insecurity and economic hardship have become a common phenomenon in most communities nationwide and have already overstretched many people", he lamented.

He therefore cautioned that in as much seeking for justice and constitutional rights through peaceful protest are guaranteed for in the constitution and Africa Charter on human rights, it is also pertinent to observed it within ambits of the law and constitution.

He emphasized the need to point out areas where leaders need to improve particularly on the welfare of the citizens noting that doing so demands putting aside personal interests and working together to find viable and workable solutions to cushion the hardships people are going through in recent time.

Rev. Dr. Manzo, pointed out guidelines that must be followed to ensure protest remain peaceful to include: obtaining a permit or notification to the authorities, ensuring that it does not disrupt public order or violate the rights of others.

"Avoiding violent or destructive behavior and following instructions of the law enforcement agencies. Only through these process, any other means would be tantamount to unconstitutionality which has its negative effects, he said.

He called on faithful and the entire citizens to be careful and sensitive not destroy the little they have by reason of taking the laws into their hands while seeking for the way out of the woods.

"While peaceful protest is legal, there have been instances where security forces have dispersed protests with force, leading to arrests, injuries and sometimes death. Protesters should be aware of that and take necessary precautions to ensure their safety".

He urged security personnel to protect the rights, lives and property of all Nigerians without inflicting injury or cause any lost of life.

Rev. Dr. Manzo, affirmed that the church must endure to preach against injustice at all levels and segments of her meetings so as to encourage and institute peaceful coexistence irrespective of beliefs, denominational differences, tribal and ethnicity, political and party affiliations.

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